Use these marketing tips to get more out of your social media accounts

Your business can’t grow without attention. One of the best ways to gain top-of-mind awareness is by using social media. Social media marketing helps you share the value your business has to offer the world. Here are a handful of simple tips to get real results!


Answer the questions that you get from customers/future customers

What are you an expert in? Which problems do people pay you to solve? You can share your expertise on social media by sharing information that provides answers to people’s questions. If you’re a landscaping company, talk about the best fertilizers for grass. If you’re a doctor, talk about foods that will help with weight loss goals. If you sell camping products, share outdoor survival tips.

The content you share can be in the form of pictures, blog posts, videos, and more.


Reply to direct messages and comments

This is the basis of customer service in today’s digital ecosystem. Always strive to be prompt and responsive. Even if you can’t provide the full answer to a question immediately, let the customer know you’ll get back to them. Remember to address specific concerns with specific answers.

Test out marketing ideas and experiment like crazy

Do you think your likes per post will increase if you post on Facebook in the morning instead the afternoon? Test it out! Has someone suggested that doing more Instagram Live videos will get you more online sales? Try out the suggestion! Give ideas you think will work some time and actual effort. By tracking the data, you’ll be able to see what works for your brand on social media.


Use social media scheduling tools

If you’re not already scheduling posts ahead of time, you need to start now. It’ll save you time and help you be more strategic when it comes to your content and posting times. Some of these tools include Buffer and Later. You’ll be able to schedule what you want to share like your photos, links, and captions. Instead of trying to post every day, all you have to do is take an hour or two every day to plan out a week’s worth of social posts.

Give some love

One of the best things about social media is how easy it is to spread the love! Unlike traditional advertising, you can actually engage and have conversations with other people.


Something you can do to spread some love is like and comment on other posts on Instagram. Liking and commenting on relevant posts on Instagram will help you gain more exposure and more traffic to your account. You also make other accounts happy since you help them perform better on Instagram.

Along with social media engagement, giveaways are another way to give some love. You can quickly gain attention on social media by offering your services/products for no cost.

Do you have any specific questions about social media marketing? Email Josh at!

4 ways to build your brand on Instagram

Instagram is one of the most effective social media platforms for businesses with tangible products and services. The Facebook-owned company makes it easy for brands to connect with target customers. Photos and videos can be shared on Instagram to provide value for ideal customers.

Here are four ways to build your brand on Instagram:

Post Stories



Instagram Stories are a great way to showcase your day-to-day activities to announcing discounts. You can share more of your brand’s personality and even conduct polls. With Stories, you can show off more of your brand’s personality and style. Check out this link for more ideas of what post on your Stories.

Engage with relevant content


A cost-effective way to grow your following and gain more attention is by liking and commenting on similar posts. Find relevant content by looking up similar hashtags. For example, if you sell dog toys then a great hashtag for you to engage with is #dogsofinstagram. Set aside some time every day to like and comment with #dogsofinstagram with a minimum of 3-4 words. Only commenting with emojis doesn’t cut it since it doesn’t require as much effort. Start by liking and commenting on at least 10 relevant posts each day and your following will grow without any ad spend.

Be consistent


How many brands do you follow on Instagram that will post sporadically? One of the keys to success on Instagram is posting regularly. It’s important to stick to a schedule for your sanity and also for your followers. Followers will see your Instagram account as a reliable source of value. You can use scheduling tools to save you time so you don’t have to post all of the time. Just schedule

Be true to your brand


The best brands continually maintain their identity. Whatever your brand stands for, stick to it on Instagram. Your Instagram aesthetic needs to work seamlessly with the rest of your marketing. For example, if your color scheme is different shades of reds and yellows, keep it up. If you’re a skateboarding brand, continue sharing photos and videos on Instagram that attract skateboarders. Your followers will continue to be loyal when you’re true to your brand.

Remember that marketing takes time to get real results. Patience and consistency pays off in Instagram marketing. Don’t be afraid to test out new ideas to achieve your goals. For any questions you have about Instagram marketing for your brand, email Josh at!