7 social media stats you should consider for your social media marketing strategy

It’s part-way into 2019. Being aware of the trends of what’s happening online today will help you make better decisions tomorrow. These stats cover a handful of different platforms and will help get more out of social media for your business.

Use the data below to make strategic decisions for your social media marketing.

Use the data below to make strategic decisions for your social media marketing.

  1. 75-90% of Facebook Advertising effectiveness is determined by the photos used: A good chunk of Facebook ad success has to do with the photos used. It’s ok to test out different photos when running ads. When you’ve found a particular style of photography that converts, keep doing it until it stops working.

  2. Tweets with video get 6x as many retweets as tweets with photos: Video is gaining more and more traction on Twitter since it uses both sight and sound. If you have a simple video to share or want to go live, go for it. You’ll get more organic exposure than you normally would.

  3. 60% of users find new products on Instagram: If you’re not an online shopper who loves Instagram, you probably know someone who does. Instagram is a great tool for any business that sells products. With the help of photos and videos, products can be easily shared. Most Instagram users follow at least one business account on Instagram. It’s an effective social media platform that’s easy for users to discover and shop. Long story short, Instagram is a must for product-based businesses.

  4. Photos with faces get almost 40% more likes: When you share pics with the faces of people in it on Instagram, you’ll get more likes. It’s pretty simple. People enjoy seeing other human beings on the app. When they can see faces, they’re able to better relate to what you’re sharing on Instagram.

  5. LinkedIn gets triple the conversions of Twitter & Facebook for B2B: Due to the unique nature of LinkedIn, you’re able to have B2B success. LinkedIn can be an effective tool for businesses such as enterprise level sales software and supply chain consultants. If you don’t already have a presence on LinkedIn, start working on it. It’s a worthwhile investment.

  6. LinkedIn articles are indexed by Google: Want to improve your SEO and overall web presence? Start publishing articles on your LinkedIn account! It’s a great way to establish yourself as an industry expert by sharing your knowledge. Cover topics that you have experience in. You’ll be able to quickly increase traffic to your LinkedIn profile which will help with B2B growth.

  7. Pinterest helps 80% of millennials make buying decisions: Due to the visual nature and organizational capabilities of Pinterest, users are able to see what they’re interested in. Pinterest gives them a chance to window shop virtually before clicking the “Buy” button.

It’s easier to capture attention when you understand trends.

It’s easier to capture attention when you understand trends.

It’s important that you’re aware of the latest social media trends. You’ll be able to be more effective with your resources for social media marketing. Do you have any questions about social media strategy for your business? Email Josh at josh@jamiascreative.com!

How Often Should You Write a Blog Post for Your Business?

If you’re reading this, you might fall into one of the categories below:

  • You heard about blogging for your business but don’t know where to start

  • You’ve tried blogging everyday without success

  • You’ve blogged once but didn’t get much out of it

  • You blog everyday but aren’t sure if you should do more or scale back


Blogging takes resources like time and money. Whether you’re doing it yourself or having someone else do it, it’s work. Let’s go through the value of blogging then talk about how often you should write a blog post.

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Why blogging is important

Blogging is one form of content marketing that helps you demonstrate your level of expertise on a specific topic. Written content helps you provide value for both current customers and future customers. It gives you content that you can share in different ways from email marketing to Facebook marketing.

If you aren’t already blogging for your business consistently, now is the time to start. Adding new content to your website regularly increases your organic traffic. Every time you produce quality blog posts, you improve your SEO. People use search engines like Google to find answers to their problems. Your business exists to solve specific problems but it’s difficult to find you if you don’t have a great online presence.

You’ll see an increase in conversions when you are providing value with your blog due to your growing web presence.

How often should you blog?


You’re probably going to hate our answer. It depends.

The factors that affect blog production are time and money. If you’re doing all the marketing for your company, you may not have a lot of time so daily blog posts aren’t realistic. If your company’s cash flow is doing well, you can hire a writers to publish content everyday.

At the bare minimum, we recommend you publish a new blog post every week. Twice a month is pushing it and is most likely not enough. Remember that fresh, new content helps you rank better on Google. You will also have more blog posts to share on social media when you publish regularly.

What do I write about?

So you have a better idea of how often you should blog but what do you write about? Your blog needs to answer the most common questions your business receives. It should also provide solutions to the problems your ideal customer is trying to solve. For a few examples specific to different industries, check out these links:

Think about questions your friends and family ask you that are specific to your industry. Write about those!

This is you when your web traffic increases after blogging.

This is you when your web traffic increases after blogging.

Blogging is about the long game. It’s probably not going to convert new customers today but it will in months to come. Tracking your web traffic over time while blogging regularly will show you an increase in visitors.

If you need a basic strategy to help you establish your goals and figure out where to start, email Josh! Send him your questions at josh@jamiascreative.com!