Follow this checklist to post a photo to your business Facebook page

You know everything there is to know about Instagram business accounts. You're thriving and business is doing well over there. But you want to reach more people, so you head over to Facebook to reach a wider audience. This isn't a blog about creating a Facebook account for your business (though we do have one here if you want to check it out), this is a blog about the visual aspect of things: Posting pictures.

People often think of Instagram as the visual social media platform. And it mostly is. But posting pictures is still a vital aspect of your Facebook business page, since human beings are inherently visual creatures. Quality images are an effective way of capturing the attention of your audience.
So here's a basic rundown:

1. First choose a great picture to showcase your business! Simple as that!

2. Go to your page, then scroll down until you find the "Write a post" box. There should be an option that says "Photo/Video." Click it.

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From there a menu that looks like this should pop up:

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3. From this menu you can choose from a variety of options, it all just depends on what you want to post!

4. Once you click an option, your computer files should pop up and you can choose a picture from there! Just click on it and hit "Open!"

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5. Now you can write a caption! Make it good and relevant to the photo!

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6. You can then choose whether you want it posted to your News Feed, your Story, or if you want to post it to Instagram as well.

7. Hit "Share Now" and you've got yourself a picture posted to your Facebook business page!

It's such a simple task, but it's so important for your business! Facebook will open new windows for your brand and be a major help in growing your audience. Do you want more simple Facebook tips? Check out this blog post on how to use Facebook Messenger for your business!

How To Set Up A Great Business Facebook Page

In last week's blog post, we let you know all about how to set up an Instagram account for your business. Now it's time to get your business's Facebook page up and running. We will go over why you need to set up a Facebook business page and how to get your page off the ground.

Facebook holds a treasure trove of marketing gold. In fact, Here is why you shouldn't be missing out on Facebook:

  • There are 2.1 billion monthly active users on Facebook: That's 30% of the world's population. That's a lot of potential customers. Need we say more?
  • Facebook is low-cost: It costs absolutely nothing to create a Facebook page, and you get exposure simply from likes and comments. It's almost too good to be true, but it works! The social platform gives you outlet to let the world know about your latest sales and awesome video ads you've been working on.
  • It makes customer support easy: Facebook allows you to post your hours, email, and phone number right at the top of your page so people know where to get their answers. They also integrated Messenger with business pages for an even quicker solution to resolving customers concerns (Check out our blog post on how to use Messenger for your business).
  • Targeted advertising: Facebook knows it's users. If you're a fashion boutique, you can input the age range you would like to reach and target people who have specifically listed "fashion" as an interest. Are you a martial arts school? Facebook allows you to create ads that target people who live within 20 miles of your school and want to learn self-defense. You can go wide and reach everyone who lives in the coastal western United States or only focus on people who live in Salt Lake City, Utah. These detailed features allow you to have control over who is seeing your advertisements. 
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Now that you know why you should be using Facebook for your business, how do you set up the perfect page? Here are some surefire ways to help you out:

  • Make your profile picture your logo: We touched on this on our last blog post, but making your profile picture your logo is crucial to the success of your business's Facebook page. It looks professional, it looks clean, and it just looks plain good. Humans are extremely visual creatures, so the more visually appealing your profile is the more people will be attracted to your page.
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  • Choose a relevant cover photo: Your cover photo should be as descriptive as possible. Use the cover photo to tell the customer all about your business. It's the perfect place to showcase your best work, your newest product, or a current sale or promotion going on. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words!
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  • Make sure you add your website to your page: This may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised at the amount of businesses who forget to add their website to their page! The idea of a Facebook page is to be an initial glimpse into your business: A showcase of your products or best work, your contact info, and a short and concise bio. All of these things should intrigue potential customers to learn more about your company, which is exactly what your website is for!
  •  Add your team: Your team is going to need to hop on and off your Facebook page for various reasons, and Facebook makes it easy to assign everybody their specific roles on the page! There are 6 different roles that Facebook allows: The Admin, Editor, Moderator, Advertiser, Analyst, and Live Contributor (Here is a link explaining just what each role is allowed to access). All you have to do is go to "Settings" on the top right corner of your page, find "Page Roles" in the column on the left, typer the name or email of the person you want to add, select "Editor" then choose their role from the dropdown menu, then click "Add" and enter your password. After you add them, the person will have to accept the role. That's it! 

Now that you know how to set up a great Facebook page, get out there and do it! Watch your success skyrocket! Do you have any of your own Facebook tips up your sleeve? Let us know in the comments below!

How to Give Back to Your Customers (and Why it's Important)

Customers are the backbone of every business. Yes, you came up with the product and the name. Yes, you were the mastermind behind it all. But the most important person in your business is not you. No matter how great your product is, or how great YOU are, the customers are what made you a success, and they are ultimately the most important. They believed in you and your product and put their money on the line for you. That's more than some of your own family can even say. For this reason, it's incredibly important for you to show genuine appreciation for the love and support they show your business.

You might be asking why it would make a difference to thank your customers. Aside from it being the nice thing to do, It's actually an extremely simple and genius (and free) customer retention tool. The more a customer feels appreciated, the stronger their connection to your brand will become, making them staunch brand ambassadors. This also creates an air of personalization, which can give you a leg up on major corporations who treat their customers as statistics. Showing your genuine appreciation for your customers may just give you the edge you need to grow your brand.

Now that we've talked about why it's important to give back to your customers, let's talk about a few ways you can put it into action:

  • Send a handwritten note: It may seem old fashioned, but you'd be surprised just how far an actual handwritten note can go. It's personal and the effort you made to thank them individually will not go unnoticed.

  • Send gifts: If your budget allows, set aside some money to gift your most loyal customers. Learn about them, their goals, their families, everything you can! Send them a gift that you know they'll appreciate in some way. It doesn't have to be major, just enough to show you truly care about and listen to them.

  • Host customer appreciation events: People love to party. Host an event with relevant giveaways, activities, and (of course) snacks. Show your customers a good time and have a good time with them! 

  • Start a loyalty program: Set up a program that rewards customers for shopping with you. Once they buy a certain amount, or visit a certain number of times, reward them with freebies or special discounts. It shows you want them back and appreciate them coming in!

  • Post on social media: Just a simple "Thank you! We love our customers," can go a long way. Create a meaningful post detailing your legitimate gratitude. The genuine feelings of thanks will make your customers feel happy and appreciated. Use social media to connect with your customers on a deeper level.

It's a simple process: Show your customers you love them, and they'll love you right back. In what ways have companies showed you appreciation? Let us know in the comments!