Avoid These Types of Social Media Posts for Your Business

The types of posts you share on your business social media accounts matter. That’s why you should avoid these types of posts whether it’s for Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. It’ll help you protect your brand and stay focused on your goals.

Stick to food if your business is centered around food.

Stick to food if your business is centered around food.

Viral content that has nothing to do with your business

Stick to what you’re an expert of when it comes to sharing social media posts.

Stick to what you’re an expert of when it comes to sharing social media posts.

Stop sharing funny cat videos to your Facebook business page when you are an accounting firm. Don’t share sports fail videos when you run a catering company. Sure, those videos may be trending but it tells your customer base that you’re having an identity crisis. The best thing you can do is share the content that you’ve produced. Create videos and written content that brings value to your customers. Your original content can be anything from tutorial videos to sharing updated office hours.

Religious and political posts

Don’t share your political opinions or religious opinions. You’ve been warned.

Don’t share your political opinions or religious opinions. You’ve been warned.

You open yourself up to a great deal of risk when you choose to go political or religious in any way. Keep your opinions to yourself. People choose to engage with your business on social media because you help them solve specific problems. Restaurants provide food and memorable experiences. Mechanic shops give people a peace of mind while keeping their cars running. Always remember what your business does and the problems it solves for people. When in doubt of what to share, stick to creating your own content that helps your clients/customers improve their lives.

Negative posts about clients/customers

Having a less than desirable encounter with a customer doesn’t justify trash talk.

Having a less than desirable encounter with a customer doesn’t justify trash talk.

This is a huge no-no. Avoid this like the plague. You’re not going to win people over when you’re bashing people on your blog and social media outlets. Negative posts about people causes you to alienate them and future customers.

Now that you know what to avoid, visit this link for ideas of how to connect with customers on social media.

4 Ways to Really Connect with Your Social Media Followers

Developing real relationships with your customers and humanizing your brand takes effort and time. When you create solid relationships with customers, you have customers for life. By humanizing your brand, you can help others relate to your business and what you have to offer. Here are four ways to really connect with your followers on social media and build your brand:

Grow your love group with authenticity, user-generated content, humor, and excellent customer service.

Grow your love group with authenticity, user-generated content, humor, and excellent customer service.

Share user-generated content: This tip is one of the best ways to show your followers that you are paying attention to them. Don’t be afraid to ask fans if you can repost/share their pictures and videos of your brand in action. To further increase brand loyalty, you can even offer discounts or free product in exchange for their content. Potential customers are able to see real-life application of the solutions you provide. You’re more likely to gain their trust because they can relate to other people who love your company.

Make them laugh: When was the last time you shared or received a funny video or post on social media? If you’re on platforms like Facebook and Instagram on a daily basis, you probably have laughed at something you saw. People enjoy it when they receive a mental and emotional break during the week, which is why humor does well. If you have a funny side to your brand, don’t hold back from showing it! You’ll be able to bring a smile to the faces of your followers and give them something to talk about.

Give your fans something to laugh about and brighten their day.

Give your fans something to laugh about and brighten their day.

Be authentic: Always be real. Don’t try to be something or someone you’re not. While you don’t want to be negative, you should strive to show your brand as it really is. Tell your story and why you exist. Sharing stories of your brand helps others connect with you.

Communicate authenticity by showing what happens behind-the-scenes.

Communicate authenticity by showing what happens behind-the-scenes.

Provide excellent customer service: When your customers come to you for assistance, help them solve their problems to the best of your ability. This can be anything from providing a replacement for a broken product to answering questions about fashionable outfit combinations. Remember that you’re the expert and customers see you as the source of knowledge and answers. One suggestion that can save you a great deal of time and money is creating a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page on your website that you can share on your social platforms like Twitter. This will give customers a place to go without having to give you a call, shoot you an email, or send you a Facebook message. Providing excellent customer service will help you really connect with your followers on social media and help you increase customer loyalty.

Excellent customer service leads to happy brand ambassadors.

Excellent customer service leads to happy brand ambassadors.

When you do these four things, you’ll be able to humanize your brand and earn fans for life. Your following will grow and you’ll be able to achieve your revenue goals.

Do you have any questions about how to grow your social media following? Email Josh at josh@jamiascreative.com!

Put your Instagram algorithm theories away. Here are some answers to your questions of how it all works.

The algorithm changes on Instagram that started in July 2016 meant a major shift in user experience. The popular app’s algorithm has resulted in its users seeing 90 percent of their friends’ posts. It has also led to users choosing to spend more of their time on Instagram over other social platforms. Keep reading to learn how it all really works.

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Determining factors for what you see in your feed

Instagram has released how you end up seeing the posts you do when using the app. Machine learning serves as the backbone for the algorithm. Pulling data from how you interact with accounts is how Instagram gives you a personalized feed.

Engaging with donut posts leads to more donut posts on your feed.

Engaging with donut posts leads to more donut posts on your feed.

Interest: Did you know that Instagram ranks content on your feed based on your past interactions with similar types of content? For example, if you’re constantly liking and commenting on posts from your local donut shop, then more donut-related content will show up on your feed. The same goes when if you engage more with fitness content or fashion content.

Recency: Timing still matters with the Instagram algorithm. Your most recent pics and videos will take priority over past posts that are older. Always consider how often you’ll post if you really want to grow your following.

Relationship: If you’ve been commented or tagged together in photos by other accounts, you’ll be able to get more exposure. This is why collaborations can yield positive results.

Relationships matter on Instagram.

Relationships matter on Instagram.

Other factors to consider

Spending more time engaging on Instagram is a simple way to gain more exposure.

Spending more time engaging on Instagram is a simple way to gain more exposure.

Along with the three factors listed above, it’s also important to consider these other aspects that Instagram’s algorithm uses: frequency, following, and usage. Instagram rewards accounts that are opened and used on a regular basis. You can increase your reach and influence by even increasing your Instagram usage by 10 minutes on a daily basis. The more accounts you follow, the wider array of accounts Instagram will have to choose from for your feed. It reduces the chances of you seeing less of any single account.

Questions about Instagram marketing and what it can do for your business? Email Josh at josh@jamiascreative.com!