Twitter marketing best practices you need to know

If you want to succeed on Twitter, there are a handful of best practices you need to use. It’s estimated that the number of American Twitter users will grow to approximately 59.6 million in 2022. While Twitter doesn’t have the massive user base of Facebook, it’s a network that makes it easy to engage with other users. What’s great about these best practices is that they won’t cost you a single dime. They’re all free. Here the top Twitter marketing best practices that will get you results on one of the top social platforms of all time:


Clear profile pic

Believe it or not, not everyone has a clear profile picture. Some accounts use blurry images. Others use pictures that have nothing to do with their business. Your best bet is to use your company logo as your profile picture. If it’s your personal account, use a headshot so you’re easily recognizable.

High quality header image

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The header image is similar to a cover image on Facebook. Your header image needs to be a high quality image. Don’t use pictures that are pixelated or blurry. Choose a header image that tells the story of your brand.

Snappy, concise bio

This is your chance to share what you do and let everyone know more about your brand. Think of it as your elevator pitch. Be clever or funny if it’s consistent with your brand.

Tweet consistently

You can’t succeed on Twitter if you don’t tweet. It sounds simple but not everyone does it. Here are a few ideas of what you can share:

  • Recently published blog post from your website

  • Industry trends

  • Run a poll

  • Live Tweet an event hosted by your business

If you need to, use a social media scheduler to tweet consistently. We recommend using a scheduler to help you grow your presence.

Reply to all comments and direct messages

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It’s important that you respond to any and all comments/direct messages you receive on Twitter. You’ll struggle closing sales and increasing your follower count if you’re not social. By taking time to respond, you show that you care about people.

Engage with relevant tweets

To increase your organic reach and influence, participate in comment threads and retweet other the tweets of collaborative accounts. You can find threads to join by searching hashtags that are unique to your business. For example, if you’re a sports news business, focus on the hashtags for the sports you cover.

Do you have any questions about Twitter marketing? Email Josh at!