10 ways to increase engagement on Twitter

Twitter can be an effective tool to have conversations with real people and build a strong brand. Twitter is a social platform that has been around for a long time and has outlasted many other platforms. It has continued to provide value for many businesses due to how easy it is to use and engage with other accounts.

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Below are 10 simple ways to increase engagement on Twitter:

  1. Respond to replies: If someone took the time to reply to your tweet, respond right away! It’s a public yet effective way to show that you’re listening and that you care. Your goal is to provide value so focus doing that in all of your replies.

  2. Retweet the tweets of relevant accounts: Are other Twitter accounts sharing content and starting conversations that have to do with what you’re doing? Don’t hesitate to retweets their tweets. Just make sure that it’s relevant to your brand and what you want to accomplish. Doing so will expand your organic reach and give you more opportunities to connect with other people.

  3. Share your blog content: Another way to get more engagement is by tweeting your own blog posts on Twitter. You can also do the same with videos and other content you’ve produced. As you continue to share original content, you’ll be able to provide value for your followers.

  4. Go Live: Have you tried out Twitter’s Live Video option? Give it a shot! It’s an effective way to make a special announcement or go behind-the-scenes on a new project. You can also go Live as a way to engage with followers by doing an Ask Me Anything. Read this post on how to go Live.

  5. Publicly thank other accounts: Did someone else retweet something you shared? Is another business sharing your blog posts? Give them a shoutout. It’s simple and will help you earn some goodwill within your growing community.

  6. Respond to direct messages: When someone sends you a direct message, respond as soon as possible. This is key if you’re getting a complaint. Not every disgruntled customer starts off by complaining publicly and leaving a negative review but it can lead to that if you don’t respond. Sometimes it takes a quick response to give you a customer for life.

  7. Use a scheduling tool: To save yourself time and be consistent with your tweets, use a scheduling tool like Hootsuite or Buffer. You’ll be able to tweet regularly which is important to growing a following who can trust you. Remember that a scheduling tool doesn’t replace organic engagement. Pay attention to your notifications and be quick to respond to the replies and direct messages you receive.

  8. Join conversations: Is there a chat happening around one of the events that affect your organization? Go ahead and join the conversation. You can reply to the different threads you can offer value to. You can like tweets you agree and help out other people. Joining conversations will help you gain more exposure and get more people to check out your Twitter profile. It’s an effective way to gain new followers.

  9. Collaborate: Find other brands you can partner with. You can run a giveaway with another company. You can also run a forum/panel for an hour on Live Video with a referral partner. There are many ways you can work with other brands on Twitter. Keep in mind that not every partnership will work out the way you’re hoping it will but it doesn’t mean that you should give up on collaborations.

  10. Use trending hashtags: Do you know the top hashtags specific to your industry? If you don’t know what they are, take some time to research the best hashtags for your business and start using them. Hashtags increase your chances of getting discovered. Be sure to use them every time you tweet.

Remember that success on Twitter takes time and consistent hard work. You can’t expect results if you’re not putting in the work. You’ll be able to build a strong brand on Twitter by tweeting regularly and engaging with your community.

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Have you given up on Twitter? Are you having a hard time increasing sales with social media marketing? Email Josh at josh@jamiascreative.com with any questions you have!

Content ideas for Twitter for your business

While Twitter is not as popular as it was a few years ago, Twitter hasn’t died and is still home to many users around the world. Twitter is an effective tool for sharing updates, insights, and engaging with customers. If you have a Twitter account for your business but aren’t sure what to tweet, you’re reading the right blog post.

Twitter continues to be a popular app despite the rise of newer social platforms.

Twitter continues to be a popular app despite the rise of newer social platforms.

Here are a handful of ideas you can use to build your brand on Twitter:

Industry trends

Twitter is often a go-to place for people to stay on top the latest trends and waves in an industry. As an expert in your industry, share what’s happening. One of the reasons why people are still on Twitter is how easy it is to post in real time. Remember to stay within your space. It’ll help you be authentic and true to your brand. Below are a few ideas:

  • Quarterly performance reports for the top companies in your industry

  • App engagement rates for social media marketing companies

  • Industry leader research reports

Capture attention by becoming the go-to spot for industry info.

Capture attention by becoming the go-to spot for industry info.

By tweeting industry trends, you can establish your brand as a leader. As you continue to do this over time, you will build brand equity and gain trust from your followers.

Ask questions to understand your followers and industry

To gauge the interest of your following, use questions to interact on Twitter. Asking questions is an effective way to keep better tabs on the industry you’re in. By using this idea, you also open up opportunities to solve problems for customers before they leave you a negative review.

Releasing new content

Did you just publish a new blog post on your website? Tweet it! Have you created an infographic that helps your customers better understand how to use your products? Share it with your followers on Twitter. For evergreen content, don’t hesitate to share evergreen content more than once. Remember that the creation of content is pointless if you don’t share it with anyone.

Tweet live coverage of events

This tactic is especially effective when you’re marketing a sports team or a company that does live workshops. For sports teams, you can share play-by-play coverage. You can also give updates on scores, injuries, and substitutions. Another tool that can help with your Twitter coverage is using live videos.

For events like conferences and seminars, share the top quotes from the speakers.

For events like conferences and seminars, share the top quotes from the speakers.

When to covering something like a seminar or workshop, focus on sharing notable quotes and moments from the speakers. You can also tweet pictures and video clips of people who are attending the event.

News updates

Using Twitter to get the news out is more effective than more traditional methods.

Using Twitter to get the news out is more effective than more traditional methods.

This content idea is an effective way to keep customers in the loop with the latest developments in your company. The news can be regarding anything from products to people. If you don’t know how it can help your audience, you probably shouldn’t share it. Here are a handful of ideas you can use:

  • New hires

  • Product updates

  • The building of a new location

  • Behind-the-scenes of the development of a new service/product

Remember that Twitter makes it easy for you to share news in real time so put it to work for you.


Do you have any questions about how to step up your Twitter game? Leave us a comment down below! To stay in touch with Jamias Creative on Twitter, here’s the link.