Social media posting ideas you can use to grow your business

Getting real results from your social media marketing efforts takes time and planning. You might just need a bit of direction and inspiration to help you gain momentum if you haven't already started. Either way, here are some ideas that you can use in your social media marketing efforts to increase annual revenue.


Creating a social media marketing system


To avoid burnout in social media marketing, it’s important that you develop a system you can rely on. Here’s a sample schedule you can use and tailor to your business needs for Instagram or any other platform you use:

  1. Monday: Schedule 1-2 hours to gather content such as pictures and videos you can use. These pictures and videos need to be consistent with your brand and what customers pay you to do.

  2. Tuesday: Use a social media scheduler such as Facebook Creator Studio, Buffer, or Hootsuite to schedule posts until the next Monday. Plan for at least an hour to add in visual content, captions, and hashtags if relevant to the platform.

  3. Wednesday: Set aside 1 hour to discover new influencers you can partner with and reach out to them for collaborations.

  4. Thursday: If you haven’t stayed on top of it, respond to all of the comments and messages you’ve been receiving. This will help you build a real brand and increase your organic reach.

  5. Friday: Track statistics such as post engagement (i.e. how many likes and comments you’re getting per post). Identify if which posts have been your best performing posts throughout the week.

Keep in mind that the schedule above is a sample schedule to give you an idea of how to plan out your week when managing your social media marketing efforts. It’ll help you feel in control and not be overwhelmed by everything you have to do because you’re planning for success.

What to post each day


First of all, every post should be focused on providing value for your customers/clients. Always put the needs of your target audience first. Each post should be designed to help them solve the problems they’re counting on you to solve. For example, if you’re doing the marketing for a boxing fitness gym, what are people paying you to do for them? There’s a good chance it’s a mixture of improving their physical health and boosting confidence by learning a combat sport. With that in mind, here’s a posting schedule for Facebook that you might follow if you’re building clientele for a boxing gym:

  1. Monday: Share a blog post from your website on workout recovery tips

  2. Tuesday: Facebook Live video on a “How to” such as “How to wrap your hands”

  3. Wednesday: Share a group photo of one of your workout classes

  4. Thursday: Feature a member of your fight team with either a video/picture

  5. Friday: Share a photo from one of your clients

  6. Saturday: Post a workout tip or healthy eating tip

  7. Sunday: Re-share a past video or post a promotional deal

This is a simple format you can follow. It’s predictable and gives your followers and fans something to count on when they’re scrolling through their Facebook feed. You can use this schedule for whatever business you’re in.

As always, be patient and consistent. You’ll be able to see results over time and build a real following that benefits from what you have to offer. If you have any questions about social media marketing, email Josh at!