Earn the trust and loyalty of your followers by following these tips

Social media continues to prove its worth to both consumers and businesses. It’s never been easier to share original content such as infographics and videos. Social media also provides value by serving as a customer service channel. Here are a few ways you can earn lifetime customers:

Focus on positivity


Before handling any customer service experience, channel your inner-positivity. Having the right mindset when taking care of the needs of your customers will pay off greatly for your business. When customers know that you’re happy to help them, they’re more likely to be pleasant when you answer their questions and resolve issues.

Respond to messages and comments


If you’ve been following and consuming our content for some time, you’re sure to have read about the importance of responding to direct messages and comments. It’s important that you show your followers you’re listening. Take time every day to go through all of the messages and comments you’ve received. Staying on top of your responses helps you prevent bad reviews. One of the main reasons why negative reviews happen is because companies are ignoring customer questions. People feel valued when they know that you’re listening to the problems they’re trying to solve. After 56% of people who have a poor customer experience will never use the company again.

Manage both positive and negative reviews


Gain even more trust and loyalty on social media by responding to your positive and negative reviews. Don’t just invest time in managing negative reviews. Customers who give you a great review definitely deserve your time and energy since they took the time out to share how they benefited from what your business has to offer. Remember to not take reviews personally and respond as an experienced business owner.

Have you had any success using social media marketing as a way to gain the trust and loyalty of your clients and customers? Let us know in the comments below!