7 content ideas for Facebook marketing

Sharing valuable content on Facebook is an effective way to separate yourself from the competition. When you consistently share great content on social media, you give customers a reason to keep coming back and engage with your Facebook posts. Coming up with ideas for Facebook doesn’t have to be a struggle. Social media marketing is possible and we’re here to help. In fact, here are seven content ideas you can use for your Facebook Business Page.

  1. Blog posts that link back to your website

Original content that has been published on your company’s website is something you can definitely share on your Facebook page. Sharing valuable content you’ve created on your Facebook page on a regular basis gives people a reason to keep engaging with your brand. You also provide an opportunity for your Facebook followers to go to your website.

2. Industry trends

An effective way to establish your brand as an industry expert is to share the latest information on industry trends and information. Here are a few examples:

  • CPA firms sharing information on the latest tax laws

  • Basketball apparel brand sharing recent off-season NBA trades

  • Infant sleep coach talking about nighttime behavioral differences between a six-month-old and a seven-month-old

  • Financial planning firm sharing developments in stock market due to tariff changes

For each of the businesses listed above, they’re sharing information that they’re already consuming on their own. By sharing the latest trends and information on your Facebook page, you can continue to establish your brand of the go-to source for your ideal audience’s needs.

3. Behind-the-scenes Facebook Live video


One of the best ways to increase brand loyalty is by sharing a behind-the-scenes Facebook Live video. Using this tactic gives your company a chance to share its expertise and satisfy the curiosity of loyal customers. Facebook Live videos are used by top brands like Culinary Crafts, an award winning catering company based in Utah. To check the Facebook Live videos by Culinary Crafts, visit this link. Here are a few ideas you can use for behind-the-scenes Facebook Live videos depending on the industry you’re in:

  • The packing process for shipping product to customers

  • Quick interview with the CEO and his/her goals helping customers/clients

  • Setup process for a video shoot

The ability to do live videos is one of the many powerful tools available for social media marketing so be sure to test it out for your brand.

4. Selfies with customers


This tactic won’t work for every company but it may work for your company depending on what you do. Taking selfies with customers can work really well if your business is built around your personal brand. For example, this tactic can be a great tool if you’re an author, podcaster, musician, or business consultant. Selfies with people who support your business gives you a chance to multiply your reach because you can tag them in your photos. Tagging your customers in the selfies you take with them will quickly expand your sphere of influence.

5. Facebook Live tutorial on how to use products/services

One of the best ways to prevent customer complaints and negative reviews is by sharing tutorial videos. Sharing tutorials empowers your customers and helps them better understand how to properly use your products/services. When customers understand how things work, they’re more likely to achieve user satisfaction and give you a positive online review. You definitely don’t want to receive negative online reviews simply because customers don’t know how to benefit from what your business offers.

6. User-generated content


Are your customers and clients sharing their content that features your business? Don’t hesitate to share their videos and photos on your Facebook Business Page! Sharing user-generated content is a great way to increase your organic reach and prove that your business has paying customers. There’s nothing like posts created by real people who are enjoying themselves at your venue or are at home using your products.

7. Conduct polls

If you don’t already know, Facebook Business Pages give you chance to conduct polls. This is an effective tool to receive customer feedback. You can ask customers about their preferences when developing new products or anything you want insight on. Here’s how to create a poll on Facebook.

Now that you have seven content ideas for Facebook, put them to work for you! Despite the decline in organic reach on Facebook, you can still have success on the popular social media platform. If you have any questions on how to improve your Facebook marketing, email Josh at josh@jamiascreative.com!