Facebook is the online gathering place for roughly 2 billion monthly active users and continues to be a popular social media platform for adults around the world. It's one thing to have a Facebook page for your business and it's another thing to put it to work for you. Here are five Facebook marketing tips you need to know:
You don't need $1 million to take advantage of Facebook ads: Are you intimidated by the thought of advertising on Facebook because you have little to no budget? You don't need to be. All you need is a minimum of a dollar a day to advertise on Facebook. To get more exposure for your event that's coming up in five days, you can boost the event and easily get it in front of your target audience. The best part is you can boost it for as little as $5. You could even boost it for $10 if you wanted to.
Share fan content: Did a customer post a picture using your product? Share it on your business page and reward your customer with a free product or a discount code. Fan content will help you gain greater brand awareness and increase customers loyalty. It shows that you are paying attention to what's important to your customers.
Reply quickly to messages: One of the great functions of the Facebook business page is that it can also act as a customer service platform. Reply quickly to any and all messages you receive. The longer you wait, the more customers will be frustrated and the more likely they'll want to do business with someone else. Be friendly and concise when answering questions. Click here for more great advice on how to effectively handle messaging.
Post consistently: Your customers need to know they can count on you for regular content. Going silent for random periods of time will hurt your brand. If you don't have a lot of time to invest in your Facebook page, start by posting a minimum of three times per week. By posting consistently, you will become a reliable source of information for your customers. One option that will help you stick to a schedule is by using Facebook's scheduling tool. You will be able to schedule posts ahead of time. This link will teach you how to schedule posts for your Facebook business page.
Create a group if applicable: Facebook's organic reach is going down for businesses. What that means is that the number of people who see your content with any ad spend is lower than before. Depending on your business, creating a Facebook group might be more effective to get critical information to your customers/clients. Businesses like martial arts schools, gyms, and schools can benefit from groups. Facebook groups are a great way to strengthen the community that relies on your business and to increase total trust between you and your fans.
Facebook marketing is an effective way to increase brand awareness and sales. It's also a great way to interact with your customers. By using the tips above, you’ll be able to reap the benefits of Facebook business pages. How will you put Facebook to work for you?