31 blog post ideas you can use to market your life coaching business

So you want to help other people get more out of life? How do you let people know that you’re there to help them accomplish their goals and change their lives for the better? You can build up your clientele with consistent marketing by providing value in the form of blog posts, videos, and infographics. Below are 31 content marketing ideas you can use to build up your life coaching business. Feel free to tailor it specifically to the services you provide!

  1. 4 simple ways you can improve your physical health

  2. How to recognize positive people in your life

  3. Here are several ways you can increase your financial intelligence

  4. Getting more sleep will allow you to accomplish these goals

  5. How to balance family, work, and everything else

  6. This is what happened to Sally after coaching her for six months

  7. Here are 4 books that will get you out of bed every morning

  8. Every successful business owner follows these simple habits

  9. How to recognize the right mentor for you

  10. These tips will help you be more productive

  11. How to get more out of your mornings

  12. You need a vision board. Here’s why.

  13. Which life goals should you pursue?

  14. 5 ways to grow your business

  15. Why NBA champions still listen to their coaches after winning it all

  16. What to expect in your first life coaching session

  17. How to manage your life after your spouse dies

  18. Use these tips to communicate more effectively at home

  19. What are limiting beliefs and how can I get past them?

  20. This is how to create a vision for success

  21. Here’s what all top business owners do every morning

  22. How to have thriving relationships with family and friends

  23. 5 benefits of taking time for yourself and how to take a break

  24. How to find the right life coach for you

  25. What top athletes and business people have in common

  26. 3 ways to get that raise you’ve been wanting

  27. Signs that you are in a toxic relationship

  28. Use these tips to increase your self confidence

  29. How to get more out of life

  30. Don’t get stuck in awkward conversations by doing these 4 things

  31. Why self-development is a worthwhile investment


As you can see, these content ideas are pretty straightforward. There’s a good chance you’ve already covered similar topics with clients if you’re an active life coach. Sharing your knowledge through content marketing will help potential clients better understand your thought process and philosophy. You give others a chance to learn more about you and what you have to offer.

Generating valuable content is a worthwhile investment in the future of your business. It improves your SEO and helps you build a real brand. Do you have any specific questions about how to generate valuable content for your business? Email Josh at josh@jamiascreative.com with any content marketing questions you may have!