50 content ideas for your cleaning business

Gaining more online visibility for your cleaning business is key to increasing revenue! The more people see and discover you online, the more opportunities you have to get new cleaning clients. In this blog post, we will share 50 content ideas you can use to market your cleaning business. These ideas are free for you to use.

The ideas you’ll read below can be repurposed in different ways to benefit your revenue-generating activities. This includes blog posts, Facebook posts, infographics, newsletters, Instagram Reels, TikTok videos, and more.

50 content ideas to market your cleaning business

  1. 3 benefits of hiring a professional cleaner

  2. How much does it cost to hire a professional cleaner for your business?

  3. How much does it cost to hire a professional cleaner for your home?

  4. 3 reasons why (insert name of client) hires a professional cleaner

  5. Before and after photos of 3-bedroom 2-bath house

  6. 3 reasons why you shouldn’t hire a professional cleaner

  7. How keeping your office clean boosts revenue

  8. Before and after photos of law office

  9. Eco-friendly tip for cleaning your bathroom

  10. Eco-friendly tip for cleaning your kitchen

  11. Organizing hacks for your bedroom

  12. Eco-friendly tip for cleaning refrigerator

  13. The power of professional cleaners: When to hire one

  14. Improve your indoor air quality with these 3 tips

  15. Eco-friendly tip for making your trash cans smell good

  16. Benefits of regular air duct cleaning

  17. Cleaning tips for new business parents

  18. 3 organizing hacks for your office

  19. Eco-friendly tip for cleaner air ducts

  20. How to tackle a dirty toilet

  21. Boost your mood with these cleaning tips

  22. Before and after photos of tax accountant office

  23. 5 things you need to clean every week

  24. 10 time-saving cleaning tips for busy professionals

  25. Your ultimate spring cleaning checklist: Make your home spotless

  26. Clean your windows like a pro: Techniques and tools

  27. How to improve your happiness through consistent cleaning

  28. Freshen up your office in less than 30 minutes

  29. Allergies are no fun. Here’s how to deal with them.

  30. Deal with clutter and get organized

  31. Speed cleaning: Get your home in order in no time

  32. Keep your patio fresh and clean with these 3 tips

  33. Essential tools and supplies for office cleanliness

  34. Bathroom odor removal: Get rid that stench!

  35. The connection between cleanliness and mental health

  36. Organizing hacks for your bathroom

  37. Green cleaning solutions for a healthy office

  38. Get rid of dust with these 3 cleaning tips

  39. Declutter your home and simplify your living space

  40. This is your sign to stop skipping bathroom cleaning sessions

  41. Increase employee retention with a consistent cleaning schedule

  42. Cleaning your garage: Declutter and get organized

  43. Why cleaning is more than just taking out the trash

  44. Top cleaning tools every business needs

  45. Cleaning tips for new homeowners

  46. Benefits of regular carpet cleaning

  47. How a clean office boosts creativity and productivity

  48. Quick guide to a clean office bathroom

  49. Reduce healthcare costs by keeping your office fresh and clean

  50. Get rid of odor in your home with these 3 tips

Implement these content marketing ideas for your cleaning business!

These content marketing ideas can help your cleaning business establish a strong online presence and position you as an expert in the industry. From providing practical cleaning tips for various areas of the home to educating readers on the importance of professional cleaning services, these topics cater to a wide range of audiences.

Remember to create engaging and informative content that addresses common cleaning challenges and offers valuable solutions. By implementing these content marketing ideas, you can attract potential customers, build brand loyalty, and ultimately drive business growth for your cleaning business.

Original content you create positions you as the subject matter expert and keeps you at the forefront of everyone’s mind!