Everyone wants to do better in 2018 than they did in 2017. Here's a list of New Year resolutions that will help you step up your marketing game and increase your sales:
Optimize for mobile: If your website doesn't look good on mobile or takes too long to load, you need to make some changes. Find ways to reduce the amount of memory used per web page by doing things such as resizing images so they're smaller. Your customers and future customers will love you since they're able to navigate through your website quickly.
Improve your content marketing: You can always find ways to improve your content marketing. Some of the things you can do include using infographics or creating micro-campaigns where you focus on a new niche topic each week.
Use Facebook ads: What if we told you that you could place your product right in front of people every single day? You can do that with Facebook ads. The good news is that you don't necessarily need tens of thousands of dollars to get started. The minimum spend is just a dollar a day.
Collaborate: Partner with influencers and brands who complement your business. Here are a few businesses that can pair with each other: photo studio and a boutique modeling agency, gym and nutritional supplement company, restaurant and culinary knives company, educational software and local community college. Collaboration is a way to grow your customer base and build meaningful relationships. Try to find businesses that are nearby so you can meet up for a photo shoot or an instructional Facebook live video.
Commit to video: More and more consumers would rather watch a video about your product than read about your product. Videos tend to be more memorable and entertaining. Also, people are more likely to engage with videos on social media. If you don't have the skillset to produce videos then consider outsourcing your video needs to a freelancer.
Take time to research: Staying on top of the latest marketing trends and best practices will always pay off. When you invest in your personal education and that of your team, you are investing in your earning power. You will be less likely to make mistakes and recognize opportunities to take your business to the next level. Be thorough and methodical when trying to figure out your next moves. Patience will pay off in the long run with an increase in sales.
Re-work evergreen content: Do you have content you've produced a year ago that's still driving traffic to your website? Find ways to continue to put such content to work for you whether that is putting the content into video form or into an infographic.
What are your marketing resolutions for 2018? Let us know in the comments below!