3 books you should read to improve your social skills

I'm guilty of struggling socially from time to time.

Whether it's holding a conversation at a networking convention or giving a presentation at the office, we have our individual shortcomings when it comes to social interactions. I've compiled a list of three books that have helped me build and maintain meaningful relationships both in and out of business.


1. How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Carnegie's self-help manual is a classic which has withstood the test of time. The noted lecturer/writer explains the importance of smiling when interacting with others and showing a genuine interest in everyone you meet.

One quote I have worked to internalize is "Talk to someone about themselves and they'll listen for hours." One objective I push for when meeting someone for the first time is to walk away from the conversation knowing more about the individual than they know about me. As human beings, we tend to love talking about ourselves so we are flattered when someone shows a genuine interest in us. 


2. Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki

I had the privilege of meeting Guy at Alt Summit after he shared a few social media tips.

Anyone who reads Enchantment and sees Guy in action will know that he practices what he preaches. Guy shares a range of pointers from how to win a crowd over as the guest speaker to how to build up members of your corporate team. It's a quick, straightforward read.

3. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

Covey's game changing self-help book will help you focus on living your life around principles rather than nitty-gritty rules. Covey shares specific, personal examples from his life on how living a principle-centered life will help us navigate through personal and professional problems.

What are your recommended reads for improving personal and professional relationships?