14 social media statistics that will help you make better marketing decisions

Knowing more about the social media marketing will only help you be more effective in your online efforts. As more and more of the world’s population gains access to smartphones, the social media ecosystem will continue to grow. In fact, there are 3.499 billion active social media users.

Here are 14 social media statistics focused on helping you learn more about the social media ecosystem and current trends:

Mobile-first marketing helps you build your brand as more and more people shift their attention to mobile devices.

Mobile-first marketing helps you build your brand as more and more people shift their attention to mobile devices.

  1. 81% of small and medium businesses are active on social media

  2. Between April 2018 and April 2019, more than 202 million new users joined social media platforms

  3. 91% of social media users access platforms (i.e. Facebook, Instagram) with mobile devices

  4. More than 500 million Instagram Stories users around the world in January 2019

  5. Influencer recommendations are responsible for 49% of social media consumer purchases

  6. $74 billion was spent on social ads in 2018

  7. American adults watch a minimum of 1 hour and 16 minutes of video on mobile devices every day

  8. 55% of social media users in the U.S. watch online videos every day

  9. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 85% of B2B marketers experienced success due to content creation

  10. 54% of social media users use social media to research products they’re interested in buying

  11. Brands are more likely to be recommended by customers who had a positive social media experience to friends and family

  12. 37% of Americans use Instagram

  13. Instagram is the favorite social media network for 24% of U.S. teenagers

  14. 2 hours and 22 minutes per day is the average amount of time people spend on social media and messaging


Which statistic surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments below!

As social media usage continues to grow, it’s important that you become a social media practitioner for your brand. You can’t improve your social media marketing efforts if you’re not actively posting and trying to figure out what your online presence needs to grow. It’s important that you continually maintain an active presence on social media. Why? Consistent activity helps your brand become a reliable source of information for your customers.

Kaleb's Cutting Boards-8.jpg

Have you given up on social media marketing? Email Josh at josh@jamiascreative.com!

Content ideas for Twitter for your business

While Twitter is not as popular as it was a few years ago, Twitter hasn’t died and is still home to many users around the world. Twitter is an effective tool for sharing updates, insights, and engaging with customers. If you have a Twitter account for your business but aren’t sure what to tweet, you’re reading the right blog post.

Twitter continues to be a popular app despite the rise of newer social platforms.

Twitter continues to be a popular app despite the rise of newer social platforms.

Here are a handful of ideas you can use to build your brand on Twitter:

Industry trends

Twitter is often a go-to place for people to stay on top the latest trends and waves in an industry. As an expert in your industry, share what’s happening. One of the reasons why people are still on Twitter is how easy it is to post in real time. Remember to stay within your space. It’ll help you be authentic and true to your brand. Below are a few ideas:

  • Quarterly performance reports for the top companies in your industry

  • App engagement rates for social media marketing companies

  • Industry leader research reports

Capture attention by becoming the go-to spot for industry info.

Capture attention by becoming the go-to spot for industry info.

By tweeting industry trends, you can establish your brand as a leader. As you continue to do this over time, you will build brand equity and gain trust from your followers.

Ask questions to understand your followers and industry

To gauge the interest of your following, use questions to interact on Twitter. Asking questions is an effective way to keep better tabs on the industry you’re in. By using this idea, you also open up opportunities to solve problems for customers before they leave you a negative review.

Releasing new content

Did you just publish a new blog post on your website? Tweet it! Have you created an infographic that helps your customers better understand how to use your products? Share it with your followers on Twitter. For evergreen content, don’t hesitate to share evergreen content more than once. Remember that the creation of content is pointless if you don’t share it with anyone.

Tweet live coverage of events

This tactic is especially effective when you’re marketing a sports team or a company that does live workshops. For sports teams, you can share play-by-play coverage. You can also give updates on scores, injuries, and substitutions. Another tool that can help with your Twitter coverage is using live videos.

For events like conferences and seminars, share the top quotes from the speakers.

For events like conferences and seminars, share the top quotes from the speakers.

When to covering something like a seminar or workshop, focus on sharing notable quotes and moments from the speakers. You can also tweet pictures and video clips of people who are attending the event.

News updates

Using Twitter to get the news out is more effective than more traditional methods.

Using Twitter to get the news out is more effective than more traditional methods.

This content idea is an effective way to keep customers in the loop with the latest developments in your company. The news can be regarding anything from products to people. If you don’t know how it can help your audience, you probably shouldn’t share it. Here are a handful of ideas you can use:

  • New hires

  • Product updates

  • The building of a new location

  • Behind-the-scenes of the development of a new service/product

Remember that Twitter makes it easy for you to share news in real time so put it to work for you.


Do you have any questions about how to step up your Twitter game? Leave us a comment down below! To stay in touch with Jamias Creative on Twitter, here’s the link.

How to start content marketing for your business

Your business needs a way to separate itself from your competition and one of the most effective ways to do that is with content marketing. 94% of buyers use online research to make decisions and content marketing can be the difference maker in the growth of your business.

Customer loyalty can be earned with content marketing.

Customer loyalty can be earned with content marketing.

What is content marketing? Content marketing is a strategic way to develop relationships with customers and turn them into advocates for your business with content such as video, blog posts, and infographics. This blog post covers how to start content marketing for your business to increase revenue.

Keep this in mind

If you are wanting instant results, stop reading this blog post and hire a sales person who can quickly land deals for your business. Content marketing is all about the long-game and investing in your target customer. Nothing about content marketing gets you a deal right away. With this strategy, you are able to demonstrate your knowledge and how you can help your perfect customer solve his/her problems.

Exceptional content marketing keeps customers happy. PC: JP Valery

Exceptional content marketing keeps customers happy. PC: JP Valery

How to start content marketing for your business

The first thing you need to ask yourself when starting content marketing for your business is , “Which problems are people paying me to solve?”. How do your products or services help people improve their quality of living? Below are a few examples:

  • High-end farm-to-table restaurant provides cooking classes to help customers eat healthier and gain a better understanding of local produce

  • CPA firm offers tax planning to save money and reduce stress experienced by business owners

  • Catering company creates memorable experiences with excellent service and food

  • Hardware store provides quality tools and accessories to help homeowners and contractors complete projects

  • Local pet store provides pet owners with tools, food, and classes to provide the perfect forever home for their animals

Hopefully the examples above help you have a better understanding of how to sum up the solutions your business provides. Let’s use the local pet store as an example for the next part of this blog post.

Content ideas that will help you gain more customers

Presenting at classes and workshops are an effective form of content marketing. PC: Priscilla du Preez

Presenting at classes and workshops are an effective form of content marketing. PC: Priscilla du Preez

If you’re the owner of the pet store, there’s a good chance that not only do you want to sell more pets and products but you also want better educated pet owners who will take great care of the pets in their care. A better educated pet owner will not only take great care of his/her pets but will also keep coming back for more products such as food. Investing in customers by empowering them will turn them into customers for life.

Here are several ideas you can use for content marketing if you’re a pet store owner:

  • Facebook post with a picture of a betta fish with 3 tips every betta fish needs to live a long happy life

  • Facebook Live video showing how to set up a habitat for an anole lizard

  • Video explaining the best way to raise rabbits

  • Blog post on the top five most popular freshwater fish for advanced fish keepers

  • Facebook post on how often you should feed a puppy

  • Infographic on the lifespan and development of a kitten

While sharing your knowledge may feel like you’re giving away all of your secrets, you are not. The reason why content marketing is effective is it helps people realize that they can’t accomplish all of their goals without your help.

How often should you produce new content?

When it comes to content production, consistency is key. Content marketing is a lot like working out. You’ll only get results if you put in the work on a regular basis overtime. When you’re just starting out, it’s important that you don’t burn yourself out by trying to crank out content every single day. It’s important that you stick to a schedule that’s sustainable based on your time and available resources.

For example, do one educational Facebook Live video each week if that’s all you have time for. A weekly blog post is another option when you aren’t able to do anything else. On the other if you have a lot of time and the know-how, work on creating more original content. The same goes for if you have the resources to pay a content marketing expert who can handle your content needs.

Ultimately, the rate and frequency at which you produce new content depends on your time and resources but always be consistent once you start.

Key takeaways on content marketing for your business

Quality content marketing gives customers a reason to keep coming back.

Quality content marketing gives customers a reason to keep coming back.

To sum up everything you just read, remember these key points:

  • Content marketing is all about the long game. You’re investing in real relationships with your customers.

  • Focus on producing content that helps your customers solve the problems they’d pay you to solve. It makes it easy for you to generate valuable content that will build brand loyalty.

  • Like working out, consistency is key. You’ll yield long lasting results by producing content on a regular basis.

Once the content marketing train starts moving for your business, you’ll be able to develop a consistent stream of customers who will become raving fans of your brand.

For any questions you have about content marketing, email Josh at josh@jamiascreative.com!